Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yesterday afternoon we were hit with a bad hail/thunderstorm. It came down hard and fast! After it looked like it cleared Brooke and I went outside to check on our cars. We weren't the only ones. Tons of other students were coming outside of the buildings to find unbearable damage to their car. Thankfully Brooke and I only had dents. I did however have (about 8) cracks on my front windshield. Being the nosy person that i am i walked around and took pictures of other people's cars. I tried getting an appointment up here for someone to look at my car, but others had it far worse than me. I decided it was best for me to drive it home on Friday and leave it there to get fixed. Thank goodness Emily and Lindsay were already planning on heading up here Friday to celebrate my birthday with me. I'm going to bum a ride back with them :) Today has been very pleasant, kinda cold outside though. Figured i would give this whole blog a shot. I'm hesitantly waiting to sign up for fall classes. My time is at 3:40 but looks like I'll only be taking 2 classes. I will have to find a good paying job up here for next year. The count down to my birthday is on. I am soo excited. Not because i am getting older but because of the festivities that will be taking place :) Hope everyone is having a wonderful WARM wednesday!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Blog

Decided that it was time i got rid of lame Tumblr and move on to an actual blog. (plus more of my friends have this than tumblr) It amazes me with how many different sites their are to be able to express yourself and share news with friends. Wow, i remember when XANGA was the “cool new thing” to have. I updated my xanga like all the time throughout junior high and high school. (until facebook was the cool new thing) Hello to who ever is reading this or creeped on me ;)